There was a definite change in the weather this weekend. I've been feeling myself wanting to crawl into the cave since it's been getting darker earlier and staying dark later in the morning. Summer is time for outside social activity and while I will continue with my walks all winter long, the concerts, festivals and bike races are done. It's time to go indoors.
It's nothing new for me to withdraw in the wintertime and come back in the Spring Maybe this will motivate me to write more with fewer activities to distract me. I took a drive this afternoon about an hour out to the country to the Fall Craft Fair at Leesport Farmer's Market. I've been out there a few times in the Summer for the Native American Pow Wow that is held there and enjoy the ride. I was thinking on the way back that I just enjoy the road passing under my wheels even with no particular destination.
Anyway, it's been a good Summer, and tomorrow I'll be sitting down with a few family members to recall Sunday afternoons in days past when it was all about the family getting together for dinner. Some homes may start out a Sunday morning with the smell of bacon frying on the stove, but growing up with my Italian Grandmom meant the aroma of meatballs in the skillet and gravy in the pot. If you got there early enough, you might get to grab a meatball before it went into the gravy.
I'm looking forward to hearing what my cousins recall from those days, and to putting our story into words. I'm sure I won't be able to remember everything that happened when I was growing up on Sandy Street but I want to give it a try. I have enjoyed writing this blog so far and the idea of a book is still waiting to be carried out. I have no idea how long this might take, but I'll just keep at it one word, or idea or chapter at a time.
A few months ago I started attending a writers group - Writers Assemble - at a local library. Some of the members have been writing for years, some are published, some attempting to be published, some doing it just for the pleasure of telling a story. I'm glad to have their support on a monthly basis in this adventure. as well as those who have been there for me from the beginning.
So as the weather turns cooler and the days shorter, here's hoping the story of Gravy Every Sunday finds it's way into words.
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